This week's guest columnist is Dr. Justin Pratt, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. "Something isn't right. My baby only poops every three days, and all my friends' babies go…
Many doctors, including me, go "harumph" when parents bring their child to the Emergency Department with non-emergencies, like rashes or insect bites. Non-emergencies are what doctors' offices are for. However, often when I talk…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Rati Venkatesh, a Family Practice resident at University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. This winter we've seen nearby outbreaks of Mumps in Arkansas and Texas. Last week a mother…
I was worried I had a brain tumor. That afternoon at work, I began having double vision. I could correct it by tilting my head, but as the day went on I was talking with parents with my head cocked over more and more. My Fourth…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Benjamin Fontenot, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. It was mango season on Saba island, Netherlands Antilles. My wife and I were on the beach …
My college required students to take four blocks of Physical Education, much like high school, except we chose the sports. We also had to pass a swim test to graduate. My roommate Brian, who'd never learned to swim, had to use…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Kevin Morris, a family practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. My wife and I sit down to enjoy dinner with our boys- the three year-old in a booster and the 8…
Many kids want to become doctors, and many doctors want their kids to be doctors too. Once I had a great opportunity to show my son how cool it could be. I spend a week each year in Honduras working in remote mountain villages,…
We read about these things in our books, but when they happen for the first time it's a surprise. The parents rushed their 8 year-old girl into the Emergency Department. She had been riding her bike, turned the handlebars too…
Dave was the quarterback for my college fraternity's football team. Though it was flag football, Dave got knocked down a lot, and several times hit his head on the ground. For days he would act confused, repeat questions over…